Thursday, November 10, 2011

Check whether JLabel is Visible or Enabled

            Check whether JLabel is Visible or Enabled Example
            This java example shows how to create check whether the JLabel is visible or
            enabled using Java Swing JLabel class.
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    <applet code="JLabelCheckVisibleOrEnableExample" width=200 height=200>
    public class JLabelCheckVisibleOrEnabledExample extends JApplet{
            public void init(){
                     * To create JLabel use
                     * JLabel(String caption) constructor
                     * of JLabel class.
                    JLabel label1 = new JLabel("This is JLabel Example.");
                    //add label to applet
                     * To check whether the JLabel is visible use,
                     * void isVisible(boolean visible)
                     * method.
                    boolean visible = label1.isVisible();
                     * To check whether the JLabel is enabled use,
                     * void isEnabled(boolean enable)
                     * method.
                    boolean enabled = label1.isEnabled();

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