Thursday, November 24, 2011

Regular expressions simplify pattern-matching code - 20

Unlike Pattern objects, Matcher objects record state information. Occasionally, you might want to reset a matcher to clear that information after performing a pattern match. The following methods reset a matcher:
  • public Matcher reset(): resets a matcher's state, including the matcher's append position (which clears to 0). The next pattern match operation begins at the start of the matcher's text. A reference to the current Matcher object returns. Example: m.reset (); resets the matcher referenced by m.
  • public Matcher reset(CharSequence text): resets a matcher's state and sets the matcher's text to text's contents. The next pattern match operation begins at the start of the matcher's new text. A reference to the current Matcher object returns. Example: m.reset ("new text"); resets the m-referenced matcher and also specifies new text as the matcher's new text.

A matcher's append position identifies the start of the matcher's text that appends to a StringBuffer object. The following methods use the append position:
  • public Matcher appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb, String replacement): reads the matcher's text characters and appends them to the sb-referenced StringBuffer object. The method stops reading after the last character preceding the previous pattern match. This method next appends the characters in the replacement-referenced String object to the StringBuffer object. (The replacement string may contain references to text sequences captured during the previous match, via dollar-sign characters ($) and capturing group numbers.) Finally, the method sets the matcher's append position to the index of the last matched character plus one. A reference to the current matcher returns. This method throws an IllegalStateException object if the matcher has not yet made a match or if the previous match attempt failed. An IndexOutOfBoundsException object is thrown if replacement specifies a capturing group that does not exist in the pattern.
  • public StringBuffer appendTail(StringBuffer sb): appends all text to the StringBuffer object and returns that object's reference. Following a final call to the appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb, String replacement) method, call appendTail(StringBuffer sb) to copy remaining text to the StringBuffer object.

The following example calls the appendReplacement(StringBuffer sb, String replacement) and appendTail(StringBuffer sb) methods to replace all occurrences of cat within one cat, two cats, or three cats on a fence with caterpillar. A capturing group and a reference to that capturing group in the replacement text allows the insertion of erpillar after each cat match:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile ("(cat)");
Matcher m = p.matcher ("one cat, two cats, or three cats on a fence");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ();
while (m.find ())
   m.appendReplacement (sb, "erpillar");
m.appendTail (sb);
System.out.println (sb);

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