Sunday, June 5, 2011

Twelve rules for developing more secure Java code

Writing security-conscious Java code can help you avoid security surprises

This article introduces 12 rules for writing security-critical Java code; 12 rules that all Java developers should abide by. If you are charged with managing a gaggle of Java developers, or if your business relies on the security of Java, make sure your developers follow these rules.
These rules haven't been sugar-coated for mass consumption. They get fairly technical and require broad knowledge of Java to understand. Though experienced Java developers will understand all the rules that follow, less experienced Java developers may have a bit of homework to do. Nevertheless, following these rules will make your Java code more secure.
We base these rules on the experience of many people who have generously discussed their experience in building secure Java code. In creating these 12 rules, we've drawn from much experience in hunting down Java security bugs, and on advice and observations from people who write and review security-critical Java code for a living. Each rule is designed to eliminate an unexpected gotcha that you might face.
Of course, security is an elusive goal. Following these rules certainly won't provide any guarantee that your code is completely secure. It is easy to write insecure code that follows these rules. By following these goals, however, you will minimize or eliminate certain kinds of security attacks that you might not have thought of.
Think of these rules as a first step. If you are writing code that may be linked or run in conjunction with untrusted code, then you should definitely consider following these rules.
Every attempt has been made to keep the rules simple enough that you can treat them as a checklist to be followed in mechanical fashion. That way you can save your brainpower for other security issues.

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